2019 Teaching Vacancy at Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School
Application Information
Full-Time Permanent Scale A Position
Are you an innovative, collaborative and passionate teacher? If so, we'd love to hear from you! We are looking for a future-focused teacher with proven experience of building positive relationships with students, staff and whānau. It is important that you have the ability to work well as a team member, that you are positive, flexible and open-minded to new learning. Please state your year level preference and areas of strength.
Position commences Term 1, 2019.
Applications close 4pm Friday the 16th of November and should be emailed to principal@kokatahi.school.nz. No posted applications, please.
Timeline of Appointment
Wednesday 24th October: Advertisement placed online in Education Gazette and Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School Blog.
Friday 16th November: Application period ends, 4 pm.
Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th November (TBC): Interviews.
Thursday 24th January 2019: Staff meeting
Thursday 24th January 2019: Staff meeting
Application Requirements
Your application should include the following:
- Covering letter
- Application form. Please print out to complete and sign, then scan the form and attach it to your email.
- Curriculum Vitae
All applications emailed to principal@kokatahi.school.nz
Person Specifications
The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate:
- An ability to work in a supportive and collaborative environment
- Strong organisational skills
- A high standard of written and verbal communication
- A sound knowledge of the NZC and current curriculum and assessment practices
- An ability or willingness to integrate digital technologies effectively in a 1:1 digital immersion environment
- Recent successful classroom teaching practice that enables students to achieve and make progress
- A desire and ability to contribute positively to our ongoing curriculum design and delivery
- Strong classroom management skills and an ability to effectively manage a range of behaviours
- A willingness to create an attractive and inspiring classroom environment
- That they are passionate about their own learning and development, as well as that of children
Mission Vision and Values
The Mission/Purpose of Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School is:
To develop Intelligence Plus Character
Our Vision:
Continual improvement in skills and environment to support quality learning in order to meet the unique needs of each child
General Description of our School
- Kokatahi - Kowhitirangi School is a small rural school (U2) set in a picturesque location about 15 minutes from Hokitika. It mainly serves the Kokatahi and Kowhitirangi farming communities. It has very strong support from the local families and communities. Children are physically active and participate in a wide range of sporting activities including our local community mini-marathon. Year 5 and 6 children get to experience an annual outdoor education camp which is partly subsidised by our Home and School committee.
- Our cultural mix is 84% New Zealand European, 14% Maori and 2% other nationalities.
- Our school has three classes with excellent teacher-pupil ratios and a teacher aide in each classroom. Our teachers are all very skilled and experienced to cater for individual learning needs including priority learners.
- The vast majority of students leaving Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School transition to Westland High School, which caters for students in Years 7-13.
- There is an active Home and School Committee and Board of Trustees.
- We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) school and are currently in our 2nd year of involvement in this programme.
- We are an Enviroschool, which is well resourced and up to date with providing students with a 21st Century Future-Focused curriculum.
- We follow a 1:1 digital immersion approach using the Learn, Create, Share model with Chromebooks for all our Years 3-6 students to ensure collaboration on a wider scale. Our younger children have access to an individual iPad each for their learning purposes.
- We use the principles of Building Learning Power (resourcefulness, resilience, reflectiveness and reciprocity) in order to become more confident, capable and enthusiastic learners.
- Other activities at our school include kapa haka, jump jam, coding of mini robots and Enviro Group activities.
- At our school, we welcome, embrace and celebrate different cultures with an emphasis on Te Reo and Tikanga Māori. We begin our day with a whole school karakia, waiata and whakatauki.
If you have any queries about this position at Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School in general, please feel free to contact the principal - Casper Kruger
Ph: (03) 755 6375
email: principal@kokatahi.school.nz
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