Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Have you heard the news?? Well the Hoiho Class have been working on a Wet Coast Challenge this year. The whole school was involved in aspects of the process, but the Hoiho Class have been gathering information, getting input from other students, trialing ideas, and generally creating awesomeness!

We also had some help from IPENZ and Transpower who run the Neighbourhood Engineering Awards.  They put us in touch with Tate Bradley and Elena De Goldi, who are local engineers and volunteer consultants for this project.  It was great having experts to help with the technical aspects - so a huge thanks to Tate and Elena!

We put our learning into a portfolio and entered the awards.

here is the link to our portfolio   here is the teacher's report     here is the engineer's report

We found out today that we won a merit award!  Woohoo!  and the prize (which was unexpected) is $1250 for the school!

I'm so proud of the learning that the class have done through this project!  I can't wait for the debate on what to spend the winnings on!

Our construction isn’t quite finished but when it is we will make a new post to show you how it turned out.  If it turns out really well the Kokatahi Café have said we can set it up in their garden so everyone can see it!  We aim to have it up and running at the Kokatahi Café before the end of the school year (Dec 11th).  So the next time you are there, please stop by to see the final product.
Our final design
 Our design under construction

1 comment:

  1. Well done Hoiho class! Your final design looks incredible and you have learnt some wonderful skills in the process! Tau kē koutou!! From Miss Hinchliff :D


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