Monday, June 5, 2017


Pukeko Class has been learning about Tangrams, so combining Chinese studies with Maths (Geometry - Position & Orientation and Measurement - area). 

A tangram is a traditional Chinese puzzle made of a square divided into seven pieces (one parallelogram, one square and five triangles) that can be arranged to match particular designs.

The seven flat shapes, called tans, are put together to form shapes. The aim of the puzzle is to make a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap.

It was invented in China during the Song Dynasty, and then carried over to Europe by trading ships about 200 years ago. It became very popular in Europe for a time and then again during World War I.

We made lots of different shapes...Reid S was the first to put the pieces back together to make a square.  Vanessa was the first to make the tree.

We learned to SLIDE, FLIP and ROTATE the pieces to make the outlined shapes on the card.  This week we are going to try to make animals...bears, rabbits, camels, horses, dogs, cats...

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